
Tips for Choosing How Long Your Massage Should Be

Tips for Choosing How Long Your Massage Should Be

There’s nothing like a relaxing and rejuvenating visit to one of your favorite Ormond Beach spas when you’ve been under more stress than usual. Though just about any massage is sure to make you feel much more at peace, the length of your massage can be an important factor in your experience.

Setting a Length for Your Massage in Ormond Beach

As you’re perusing the different services offered at your nearby spa, you should determine how long your treatment will be based on what you need and your personal preference. Let’s look at a few different categories of massage in Ormond Beach that will vary based on time and other factors.

General Relaxation

If you’re not searching for anything specific and just want a generally relaxing massage experience, you should probably look for a treatment that’s anywhere from 45 minutes to one hour long.

This way, you have time to truly settle into the flow of the massage and allow your mind and body to achieve deep rest.

Area-Focused Treatment

Sometimes, spa visitors will book a massage to cater to a specific body part or area that might be particularly tight, like your legs, neck, or shoulders. For more focused treatments like this, you shouldn’t need much more than 30 minutes. Anything more than that could end up making those areas sore from excessive pressure.

Sports Massage

Sports massage is a great treatment for athletes and gym buffs who put their muscles through stress daily. An effective sports massage will target every main muscle group with focused work, which can take up to one hour or even slightly longer to complete.

Scheduling Your First Treatment

Coming in for your first treatment? Start by scheduling a shorter massage length, like 30 minutes. You’ll be able to find out whether the practice is for you without committing too much time.

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